The Future of Mobile Shopping [Infographic]

Discover best practices and strategies leading edge marketers are adopting and adapting to increase revenue today, and for the long-term, in our Modern Marketer’s Guide to Increasing Purchase Conversion.

All marketers know that mobile is growing at lightning fast speeds. What many marketers may not know is that mobile web adoption is growing 8 times faster than web adoption in the 1990s and early 2000s.

This statistic has serious implications. If we think about the rate consumers adapted to shopping online during the birth of ecommerce, we can anticipate in parallel that the rate consumers adapt to shopping on mobile to be much, much faster. To date, only a fraction of overall online purchases take place via mobile. This number is quickly rising, however, and we’re already seeing the way consumers shop with mobile changing.

These fascinating trends are why we love this infographic – seen below – from our friends and client, DirectBuy. One statistic blew our minds, in particular: While it’s well documented that we may not be frequently clearing our carts on our phones, about 82% of smartphone users shopped with mobile devices in 2015. The statistic is a huge signal for what’s to come in the next several years.

Discover more statistics like this and more on the future of mobile shopping in DirectBuy’s infographic:



Kristine Lowery, Content Marketing Manager at Sailthru