Sailthru Joins the Facebook Marketing Partner Program

We’re proud to announce that we have been accepted into the Facebook® Marketing Partner program. As a part of the partner program, Sailthru is recognized as meeting or exceeding Facebook’s partner standards in the area of Audience Onboarding.

In August 2014, we released functionality allowing clients to easily send audiences from within Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru directly into Facebook to deliver personalized experiences to existing high-value customers and to easily build lookalike audiences to attract new, high-potential customers. Based on the high return on advertising spending (ROAS) that Sailthru clients saw from this initial work, the company is now recognized as Partner in the Facebook Marketing Partner program. This new level of recognition makes it easier for brands to find Sailthru via Facebook as they seek to target and acquire prospects, build personalized Facebook ad campaigns, and continuously engage their most valuable customers via Custom Audiences. Marketers can create Custom Audiences on Facebook in a more time-efficient manner with Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, improving ROAS and increasing customer acquisition and retention in the process.

“Facebook advertising is so powerful to marketers as it removes a lot of historical guesswork. Marketers know they’re reaching real people, not just an account they hope looks like people in their target demographic. That ability, combined with the powerful data asset brands develop with Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, especially unique,” said Neil Capel, CEO and Founder, Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru.

“With Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, marketers gain extra insight into their audience, such as a person’s particular interests, purchase history, or email response rate. With our Sightlines product, marketers can also now predict that person’s likelihood to take a particular action. With this recognition, we intend to be much more than an audience onboarding partner to brands. Now everyone has access to a powerful tool to tap into the information delivered via Sailthru and reach customers where it counts.”

Sailthru’s proprietary interest data and robust individual profiles make Custom Audiences especially rich, building upon real-time data, cross-channel behaviors, and granular insight extracted from the Sailthru database. Marketers can target customers based on different data sets to ensure they are reaching the audience with the highest likelihood to engage with the brand. The integration will also make the manual importing and exporting of isolated lists obsolete, saving time and mitigating the risk of error.

This press release originally appeared via BusinessWire.