With the over inundation of information and consumers as the new drivers of content, what should publishers be thinking about to compete in the digital era?
Neil Capel, founder and CEO of Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, speaks with Josh Sternberg, publishing editor of Digiday, to answer this very question and discuss how a publisher can engage and retain a user when they first come to your site or brand. Complete interview here:
SailThru at DPS: Email in the Social Era from Digiday on Vimeo.
As Neil explains, when a user first visits your site and chooses to engage with your brand, there is a value exchange. Those publications or brands that can present the consumer with fresh and relevant content from the first interaction are those that will succeed in grabbing that user. Ease of use for the consumer, minimizing the clickstream and optimizing for all devices for speed and efficiency are paramount.
For email campaigns, that means creating a template that will render across all channels and where ever it is shared, specifically on mobile devices. As Neil emphasizes, the next big step is being able to take action immediately for each consumer through big data. Connecting users with brands through actionable analytics to customize each and every experience—this is what Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, doing for publishers and leading brands.