Join Marigold Engage by Sailthru CTO Ian White at MongoDB World 2014

At Marigold Engage by Sailthru, system infrastructure is one of our highest priorities. After all, some of the most incredible parts of our platform are thanks to our solid, flexible and scalable infrastructure with MongoDB — the unprecedented NoSQL database powering big data applications around the world.

We’ve been MongoDB customers since 2009, and our CTO Ian White is one of the earliest adopters. He even holds the prestigious “MongoDB master” title. It couldn’t be more fitting for Ian to be a key speaker at the first ever MongoDB World on Tuesday in New York.

Using Mongo, we maintain over 850 million user profiles, 75 million products and URLs and deliver over 2 billion emails, SMS messages and push notifications each month. All of this is made possible via our unique migration from application-level sharding to autosharding with Mongo-Connector, a tool launched by MongoDB interns in the summer of 2013 to move data across sets.

Attend Ian’s presentation to learn how autosharding with Mongo-Connector has resulted in zero downtime and improved performance as Sailthru databases rapidly scale to our massive ecommerce and media client growth!

Catch Ian speak using the details below:

What:    Presentation, “App Sharding to Autosharding at Sailthru”

Where:  MongoDB World 2014 @ the Sheraton Times Square

When:   June 24, 2014, 10:10am to 10:50am EST

Kristine Lowery is Senior Marketing Associate at Sailthru.