On July 30th, Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru will roll out a redesign of our new user interface (UI). Our front-end developer, Emily Maskin, is the driving force behind the new interface, and we think it’s a more inspired, intuitive and informative design.
The redesign will sport a fresh look, an improved organization, more information at your fingertips and lots of new features — coolest of which, in my book, is a customizable dashboard. The new UI was created with the goal of making the site as easy and enjoyable for you as possible.
If you’re a Sailthru client and have thoughts on ways we can make the site better for you, we invite you to be part of the testing process for the new UI. This is a great way to have an impact on our final touches.
We’re still ironing out some interface wrinkles and we want to hear what works for you — and what you’d like to change. There’s never been a better time to voice your opinions and hopes for the UI. Please contact the Sailthru support team if you’re interested in participating, or have any questions. Here’s a peek at what the new dashboard will look like before you customize:
…and here’s what it could look like after: