Now that Black Friday has passed and Cyber Monday looms I wonder how many companies are sending out mass e-mail campaigns luring us all with tempting offers of great deals. The economy is hurting and so are retail companies with inventory to shift before the end of the year.
I’ve received a number of well designed email campaigns in the last few weeks from (mainly retail) web sites. What I haven’t received yet is any marketing messages in transactional emails from sites I engage with. Just the other day I reset my password for my account on a large retail store website. I don’t shop there much but I know I have an account which makes ordering easier. The email came through with clear instructions on how to reset my password and gain access to the site. What they missed was an opportunity to provide an additional marketing message about products on sale for the christmas season. In fact they missed an opportunity after I reset my password too! I still ordered something, but I may have ordered more if I had been tempted – and fallen for the upsale. Everyone loves a deal.
Transactional email is underestimated as a tool to deliver your message. It doesn’t mean you need to send a full marketing campaign with each password reset, or with a notification that someone has posted on your wall. It is however a great opportunity to tell your users about new features, new products or simply something about your company that makes them know that they are valuable to you.
Transactional emails have an almost perfect open rate. When compared to mass emails a simple notification in a transactional email might put you one step ahead of your competitors who are ending up in the junk folder.
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