We wrote to you about the Query Builder a while back, but we can’t seem to say enough about it. You can query variables you’ve set up on your end, or mine data that the Sailthru system keeps track of automatically.
One of the queries people like to do most is geolocation. Not only can you look at snapshot reports to find out where your users are checking your emails, you can also use the query builder to create smart lists that will push new users in as they sign up and meet the criteria you’ve set for the list.
We’re constantly working to build out our query builder to give you even more access to your data. A super cool feature we recently added is the ability to query by X “or” Y. For example, if you want to see all your users in either X, Y or Z zipcodes, you would set your criteria to “zipcode is,” and your zips to whatever you’d like them to be, like so: “10012 | 10011 | 10010.” You can apply this “or” logic to your own variables or to the ones we set, and the number of “ors” you can use is unlimited.
Have fun!