SXSW Survival Guide

“I feel I’ve earned the title of our company’s SXSW Seer. It’s a badge of honor after not just seeing, but (barely) surviving the rise of this behemoth of a festival, the onslaught of the large brands, and the absolute chaos that 10 days in Austin during the world’s largest music, interactive and film festival brings. And trust me. It’s been brought.

But despite the (relative) calm before the (unavoidable) South-By storm, if you’re going, I urge you – no, I implore you (and not just because I don’t have nearly enough chances to use that word) — to prepare. It’s a crazy few days, kids, and The More You Know…well, just think of those late-80s PSAs you’d see on TV. Consider this my personal SXSW Public Service Announcement…”

Our VP of Marketing & Communications, Aubrey Sabala, is a ten-year SXSW veteran. Read on for Aubrey’s SXSW survival tips in her TechCrunch post.