Sailthru Recognized as a 2018 Top Rated Email Marketing Software by TrustRadius

What makes a great email marketing platform? It’s easy to use and integrated, with great documentation and a variety of features. In our opinion, Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru encapsulates all those qualities. However, (the maybe less biased) TrustRadius agrees with us.

B2B review platform TrustRadius recently named the industry’s top rated email marketing software companies. And we’re on the list, with a 2018 TrustRadius Top Rated badge in the mid-sized category!

What Set Sailthru Apart?

No analysts weighed in. A company’s size and popularity were irrelevant. Instead, we were chosen by the most impartial judge there is: math. The one factor that determined “Top Rated” badge recipients was the satisfaction scores and reviews users leave on TrustRadius.

“Reviewers praise the company’s support and documentation, as well as the product’s robust feature set including list segmentation, dynamic content, a campaign editor and A/B testing,” says Megan Headley, Research Director at TrustRadius.

TrustRadius names Sailthru a top rated email marketing software provider

Sailthru has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10. However, more than three-quarters of our Sailthru reviews are 8 or higher. Common themes include our personalization capabilities, ease of use, robust documentation and customer service. Customers also mentioned our integrated data, which allows them to see a single customer view in one place.

According to George DiGuido, former VP of Growth & Email Marketing at Dotdash, Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru’s key differentiator is that we focus on email marketing. “With all of the other ‘cloud’ solutions out there trying to be everything to everyone, they lose focus on the importance of sending the email,” he says. “This is where Sailthru shines.”

“Human Connections Matter”

Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, encouraged by the accolade from TrustRadius. But most of all, we’re proud that our “Top Rated” status is a direct result of our customers’ positive reviews. As CEO Neil Lustig says, “Everything we build is based on the idea that human connections matter.”

The success of our customers is our top priority — not just with their campaigns, but helping them solve complex business challenges with customer retention, loyalty and acquisition. And nothing makes us happier than seeing how much they recognize that.

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