Sailthru and Amazon Simple Email Service

Some people have been asking about Amazon’s Simple Email Service, which was just launched and offers email sending at a super-low price.

Yesterday, I posted my thoughts on this service on Business Insider. Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, as you might have noticed, also sends email. Isn’t Amazon competitive and charging a much lower price? Not really. Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, a full service provider, while Amazon is providing a piece of infrastructure. What’s the difference?

Here’s what both SES and Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru do:

  1. send emails

Here’s some of what Sailthru does, that SES doesn’t:

  1. industry-best deliverability
  2. open, click, and purchase tracking
  3. list and campaign management
  4. userbase analytics (engagement, geo, interest-based, time-of-day, etc)
  5. dynamically assembled emails using templates
  6. behavioral targeting and segmenting
  7. user interface to build and manage all of the above
  8. 24-hour support with human beings whenever you have delivery problems or need help

Anyone who considers email an important part of their business is not going to be able to use what Amazon is offering without building significant additional pieces on top of it. At Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, we’re excited about Amazon’s new product and look forward to evaluating and possibly integrating with it.