A Marketer’s Guide to Evaluating Personalization Technology

Evaluating personalization technology

Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, the world’s largest sender of personalized email so you could say we know a thing or two about personalization technology. And one thing we know is that it’s not something that can be simply bolted on to your existing messaging strategy.

Think about it. If you take your email software and then bolt on another solution for your product recommendations and another one for triggered messages. You’ve got three different point solutions, all with their own data that will remain in silos, making it impossible to create a holistic view of the customer. And there is no personalization without a holistic omnichannel customer profile.

That’s why we developed A Marketer’s Guide to Evaluating Personalization Technology. Personalization is hot right now; according to an SLI Systems survey from August, nearly half of retail professionals have plans to add personalization to their ecommerce efforts this year.

The problem is, as in any hot market, there are a slew of misperceptions about what exactly personalization is, why it’s important, how it can be achieved, and how its results can be measured. And adding to the confusion is the fact that thousands of companies are selling personalization technology, much of which is bolt-on solutions. We’re here to help.

Download the guide to learn more about:

  • Three common bolt-on strategies and the inherent challenges of each
  • What user-centric personalization looks like and why it’s always omnichannel
  • The importance of a connected solution
  • Considerations tailored to the CEO, CMO and CTO
  • Key questions you should ask your personalization technology provider