Sailthru Updates Overlays to Better Connect Your Customer Journey

If someone is about to leave your website, a good overlay can encourage them to stay. It can also prompt them to sign up for your emails, increasing the likelihood that they’ll be back. Displayed as either a modal window or top bar at the top of a page, overlays help marketers boost customer acquisition and maintain control of their customer journey.

Linked to the rest of our product suite, Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru’s Overlays are highly personalized and easy to customize with recommendations and content settings. And over the past quarter, we’ve enhanced them to make them even more effective and resonant with your visitors.

Check out Overlays’ new and upcoming features, which we outlined in a recent webinar. (And while you’re at it, check out our regular-updated calendar of upcoming webinars about how to make the most of Sailthru features, the metrics that matter for email marketers, an intro to deliverability, and more.)

Email-Triggered Overlays

These marketing overlays echo the same messaging and promo codes onsite directly from an email campaign click. Connecting the customer journey across channels, Email-Triggered Overlays provide a consistency that’s sure to help increase conversions. For retailers, they help provide consistent messaging during a big sale. Media brands can use them to cross-promote newsletters by triggering a signup overlay onsite when a user clicks from a related newsletter email.

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Prioritization Rules

If you have multiple onsite messages, prioritization rules is the feature for you. Say you have a big sale and an overlay with promotional message. Naturally, you want to capture visitors’ attention with that, given the timeliness. The Prioritization Rules feature enables you to do that, giving this overlay higher priority than an evergreen signup. And once the sale is over, switching back is just as simple.

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Timed Event Triggers

Sometimes people open a webpage and just… leave it there. Timed Event Triggers work like onsite abandonment emails, serving as reminders to idle visitors. You can trigger them based on visitors’ time on the page or time of inactivity. Either way, they’re a great re-engagement tactic to recapture the attention of potentially good customers who are just distracted.

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What’s next?

In the coming months, look for more updates to Overlays, including:

If you’re a Sailthru customer and want to learn more about any of these updates, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. If you haven’t worked with Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru before, click here for a demo.