New Product Training Videos Live in Support Docs

Big things are happening over in Sailthru documentation.

We’re completely building out our customer enablement program, and have started to put together a set of video tutorials to help guide you through your Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru implementation, as well as offer on-demand answers as new features are rolled out.

The first set of videos cover Campaigns, Lists, and Data Feeds, with another round to be added soon on Query Builder and Zephyr.


You can access these videos throughout our documentation and within the Support section of our docs. We welcome any feedback you may have on our videos and hope they make your Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru experience a little more seamless.

No matter how awesome and helpful the training videos are, please don’t forget that our support team is still going to be here for you 24/7!