Any piece of content in your newsletter should have social sharing potential. If it doesn’t then perhaps it’s just not engaging enough to be in there. Having share links at the top and bottom of your newsletter is not enough. Show your subscribers that you are big on social media by making it as easy as possible to share your content! Knowing this, we offer a simple and flexible way for you to include share links in your newsletters. We also offer a hook to share the entire newsletter! Offering the option of sharing each article or the entire newsletter is extremely important: In today’s social media world, what people want is choices. Offering people the ability to decide how to interact with you and your content is a positive and powerful message. You can use this simple link code to share or like via Facebook or tweet on Twitter. What could be easier? Here’s an example of what the code looks like:

<a href="{{social_share('fblike', '')}">Like this on Facebook</a>
<a href="{{social_share('fbshare', '')}}">Share on Facebook</a>

Get the details on using this code to share specific content in your next newsletter! Get the details about the code for sharing your full newsletter here!