Gmail Reveals Authentication Data in Emails

Have you taken a look at Gmail’s new interface within the past week?  If so, you may have noticed that Google now adds extra information next to the sender’s name. For example:

Providing this information is Gmail’s way of letting the recipient know if the message is coming from a trusted sender.  Now, when you receive an email, you can use the information Gmail provides to determine the origin of the message. What if you are using a trusted email service provider, like Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, and don’t want your recipients to see the ‘via’ link? You should authenticate your emails with DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).  DKIM allows the sender to validate the email and ensure that it’s delivered from them, and not an untrusted sender.  Sailthru automatically signs with DKIM using the domain Sailthru by Marigold by, but we encourage signing with your own sending domain. Signing your emails with DKIM is free, and only involves setting up a TXT DNS record for your sending domain.  To get started, please email [email protected] and we’ll walk you through everything.