Five Things the iPhone 5 Probably Won’t Do

It seems this week is a big one for releasing fantastic new products and features. As you know, we rolled out the new My.Sailthu interface just yesterday and today we get to see what the new iPhone 5 has to offer. A lot of us here use the iPhone and so, we are just as excited as everyone else to hear what Apple has in store for us. There’s been plenty of rumors about what the new features may be, but we thought it might be fun to run down five of the less likely ones here:

1 – Protect the earth from rogue asteroids

Apparently NASA is still going to have to carry the ball on this one.

2 – Make you look cool on the subway

It’s a phone…no really, it’s just a phone. But yes, it’s a damn cool phone.

3 – Shovel your driveway or mow your lawn

As far as we know, there’s no app for that…yet.

4 – Improve your deliverability

I suppose it could help you improve deliverability of such things as pizza, but it won’t get your email marketing messages to the inboxes of your subscribers. For that, you need an advanced communications platform such as Sailthru which allows you to segment to each individual and deliver your message to the most engaged subscribers first — this improves your deliverability and gets your message to the right person at the right time.

5 – Make you better at engaging your audience

You need to have a plan and the right partner to help you engage your audience and reach your marketing goals. To engage your customers with relevant content and drive more leads and conversions, talk to Sailthru.