Happy Halloween!
Is your email marketing strategy turning into a monster? Take a boo at this menacing menagerie and see if you have one or more lurking in your attic.
The Zombie
The zombie doesn’t have any personality and neither does his email newsletters or blog.
The Vampire
The vampire thinks that email marketing is all about sucking as much out of his list as he can without offering any real value to his subscribers.
Frankenstein’s Monster
Frankenstein creates an email newsletter monster by using the same template and just shoving more and more stuff into it without ever considering creating a new one.
The Werewolf
When you subscribe to the werewolf’s email newsletter, you think you know what you are going to get, but then out of the blue, things change such as frequency and even content.
The Mummy
The mummy never asks for permission. He just crashes through walls and goes shambling along with no regard for best practices or law.
Have a great Halloween and a safe one with more treats than tricks!