MediaPost’s EIS Awards Recognize Raise and RevZilla for Email Marketing Excellence

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The common thread across successful marketing programs is change, and that’s certainly true for RevZilla and Raise, two Sailthru customers that won MediaPost’s annual EIS Awards for Email Marketing Excellence. These brands are both committed to testing, learning and changing their approach to continue improving over time: better personalization, better customer experiences, and better results. And their approach to email showcases this perfectly.

According to a 2019 Econsultancy survey, email is the most effective marketing channel. It’s also an important link to other customer experiences onsite, on mobile apps and even in brick-and-mortar stores. The EIS Awards recognize those brands that get email just right, making the entire customer shopping experience that much more relevant and effective.

How RevZilla and Raise Won EIS Awards

An independent jury selected 12 winners for their exceptional strength in 12 different categories, 10 of which were centered on email marketing creativity. The latter bucket included the best email newsletter, the strongest use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the best email lifecycle programs, and the emails that best drove ecommerce transactions. Another award recognizes the best use of interactive emails, which our sister brand Liveclicker helped Hot Topic win.

Here’s a look at why Raise and RevZilla won their EIS Awards:

Raise: Best Lifecycle Programs

Raise is a mobile payments platform that creates flexibility and savings for users while making gift cards massively more appealing. More than 2.5 million members save money with Raise while purchasing from their favorite brands.

Raise wanted to increase the number of members who went on to make at least five purchases: the number that signified long term loyalty. We helped them discover that 40% of members move from the first order to the second within 30 days, and used this as a critical window for messaging.

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Raise added one of Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru’s Overlays on the homepage promoting a “$10 off of $100” to drive a higher average order value, which created a later conversion of 44%, higher than Raise’s goal of 40%. This focus on longer-term behaviors is a constant source of improvement for Raise’s performance.

Lifecycle-based insights helped Raise increase new member signups, first purchase and additional purchases. With testing and personalization at nearly every customer touchpoint, Raise has “raised” their overall lifecycle performance.

RevZilla: Best Transactional/Ecommerce  Emails

RevZilla is a popular online motorcycle gear, parts and accessories retailer to a wide variety of motorcycle enthusiasts. Before working with Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru, RevZilla’s email marketing was 80% batch-and-blast campaign sends and 20% behavior-based triggered messages, which performed much better. To start their transformation to personalization across their customer journey, RevZilla worked with Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru to develop triggered messaging for the entire lifecycle, ultimately leading to a 100% increase in revenue compared to previous messaging tactics.

The type of bike someone rides ultimately says a lot about their buyer behavior. RevZilla reinvented its welcome series to be personalized based on the type of bike a consumer owns as well as their riding style. The series includes more than six touchpoints based on different site behaviors to take advantage of browsing behavior and convert more customers.

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RevZilla currently has more than 22 unique browse abandonment journeys, sending relevant and personalized follow-up messaging. These journeys are segmented to be product-based or gender-specific, or even call out specific products with exact match URL. For example, RevZilla’s previous process for out of stock items had shoppers input their email address on the product page. Now, the retailer automatically sends the customer an email confirmation to let them know they are tracking the item. Plus, the email features other recommendations for in-stock products the customer may like, using Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru’s collaborative filtering algorithm. The messaging upgrade resulted in a 43% higher open rate and 10% higher clickthrough rate.

RevZilla’s campaigns based on interest triggers have generated 100% more in revenue compared with the previous manual campaign sends. The total volume of purchases is also 30% higher.

To learn more about how Sailthru can help your brand achieve similarly strong results, click here for a demo.