The Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru team has been hard at work redesigning the Sailthru interface, and we can’t wait to give you a preview of what’s in store. Not only did we give the visual design a fresh coat of paint, we also simplified the user experience and navigation. Let’s check it out:
- New sidebars to navigate between pages. We’ve introduced sidebars that make it easy to switch between the numerous reports. Now you can get to the pages you want even faster AND you can easily discover new features!
- Ability to search. Need to find something? We’ve included a search bar in the header so you can easily search for reports, user profiles and more! And if that wasn’t simple enough, you can activate the search feature just by typing “s” anywhere within the Sailthru user interface.
- Easy access to your jobs. We’ve noticed that users frequently access and refresh the jobs page, so we’ve added an icon to the header that lets you quickly navigate to the jobs page and check on the state of your query builder jobs. In the coming weeks we’ll be automatically updating the active jobs count in the header, making it even easier to view the status of your active jobs.
We’re continuing to improve these pages, and many of the suggestions come directly from you, our valued clients. So please send us feedback at [email protected] . We’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts!