New Feature: Merged Data Feeds

Yet another new feature now available in your Sailthru by Marigold by Sailthru user interface: the ability to reorder merged data feeds. Previously, you could only reorder the articles of a single feed, but with this new feature, you can move articles around within a combined data feed so long as the stories remain within their feed section.

As seen in the example video,  to prevent stories from one feed being moved into another and altering the way your coded template pulls in those stores, we set the reorder functionality so one story couldn’t be moved to another. For example, moving one story from Default RSS feed to the Blog feed. Each order is contained within it’s individual feed or “key”.

With the ease of the drag and drop reorder, it’s now simpler to select the stories that you want to appear in your emails, making your email creation time faster, saving you time and continuing to make your communication more relevant.